'A Sicilian Tale' Film Shoot
(Philadelphia, PA: 12-10-07 & 11-17-07)


Lorenzo & Gabriella Militello (Joe Polito & Elaine Del Valle)

Elaine Del Valle, the very beautiful, accomplished actress from New York ('Donnie Brasco', 'Tales From The Crypt', 'The Soprano's', 'One Live To Live') preparing for her solo scene

Elaine getting ready for one of the kitchen scenes

Actor Sal Darigo stops by on the set for a photo-op!

Co-Director/actor, Sonny Vellozzi and actor/film editor, Bob Bizik

Joe with Vinnie I. who plays Lorenzo & Gabriella's son Franco


The story's creator & principal director, Frank Lisi

For the scene in Sicily, shot at the beautiful Nativity BVM Church in Port Richmond

actors Sal Darigo, Mike DePaolo & Joey I. (Joey plays Joe's best friend, Giuseppe)

Joe getting his makeup applied before the church scene

Sal Darigo getting the makeup treatment for his character, Padre Victorio

NY actress, Yvonne Sayers

actress Tisha LaRocco, who plays Lucia, lends a hand to Yvonne before her scene

vocalist/songwriter/actor Richie Grasso as the bodyguard to the Don, Peter DeFeo

actors Vince Stefani and the beautiful Yvonne Sayers during the restaurant scene in Sicily

Peter DeFeo as one of the Dons' that gets 'whacked' by Joe's character, Lorenzo